Adventures of Brian and Dee

brian hill and dee power camping and travel adventures

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Breakfast of Champions

When I think of breakfast while camping I picture sizzling bacon snuggled up to crispy hash browns, creamy scrambled eggs and crunchy buttered toast. Today I hauled the frying pan out of the kitchen box — we’re camping remember? I don’t have kitchen cabinets in a tent, just a box — and decided to get Continue Reading

Making a List — Checking It Twice

That’s the lesson learned from this outing. We were rather lax and figured “hey we’ve been on two camping expeditions. We’re pros now right?” Wrong. We forgot a critical piece of equipment. The air mattress. Now I don’t know about you but sleeping on the flooring of the tent directly on top of the dirt Continue Reading

Except for the Rattlesnake

We had a great time camping this trip except for the rattlesnake under the picnic table and the fact the tent nearly flooded while it rained during the night. Rattlesnake? Yup. We were sitting around the campfire after dusk and I went to refill my glass of wine on the picnic table. That table was Continue Reading

Contemplating the Universe AKA star gazing

I read somewhere that there a billion galaxies in the universe and a billion stars in each galaxy. I believe it because tonight I can see every one of those stars from our campsite. Did you know we’re made of stardust? It’s true and rather romantic. When the universe was first born the only elements Continue Reading