Let There Be Fire … Except When It’s Windy

A propane camp stove is terrific when you’re camping except for slow cooking. You know like chili and soups. So I decided that I would make a beef stew using the coals of a campfire. We’d have a nice cozy fire with the stew bubbling away. That was the theory anyway. Then reality struck.
I started the stew on the propane stove to get it boiling with the thought I’d transfer it to a canned gel burner for an hour or so and finally to the campfire for the finishing smokey flavor.
Well the wind kicked up so I blocked the propane stove with gallon jugs of water to act as a wind break. When it came time to transfer the pan to the gel that didn’t work. The gel kept getting blown out even though it was in one of those metal grills you find at picnic site. Not to worry. I am resourceful, alright resourceful and stubborn person. So okay maybe just stubborn. When I plan stew for supper, we’re having stew.
I hacked off small chunks of wood from the bag of firewood we brought with us using a heavy duty tent stake and a hammer. I started a small fire in the metal grill and fed the fire more chunks of wood to keep it going. Break off more chunks of wood: feed fire. Break off chunks of wood: feed fire. Break off more chunks of wood: Feed fire. This went on for about 2 hours. That was the best damn stew I’ve ever made.
And about the wind? At one point right before the sun set and we could still see, the tent was being blown at a 30 degree angle. We set gallon jugs of water on top of each stake to further tie it down. No major damage but we did crack one of the thingies that slides on the bar at the top. It still works.
We never did have that nice cozy campfire. Probably would have set the entire McDowell Mountain Preserve on fire with the gusts of wind.
Note to Self: Bring an axe and saw.