Breakfast of Champions

When I think of breakfast while camping I picture sizzling bacon snuggled up to crispy hash browns, creamy scrambled eggs and crunchy buttered toast. Today I hauled the frying pan out of the kitchen box — we’re camping remember? I don’t have kitchen cabinets in a tent, just a box — and decided to get to work making that vision come true. Makin’ bacon isn’t as easy as you think…
First of all, there are only two burners so the stove isn’t big enough for two frying pans. Second the heat level of a propane burner is tricky to adjust. Basically, you’ve got either blistering heat or low, low, low simmer.
I cooked the bacon first while the hot water for our breakfast tea heated up. One does try to retain some level of civilization while camping hence the breakfast tea. As you can see, the bacon is what I like to call extra, extra crispy — still edible though.
The potatoes take a lot longer than you might think. Forget about toast. There’s no toaster. Eggs were pretty much a cinch since I opted for scrambled rather than over easy which truth-be-told would have ended up scrambled anyway.
I think we may opt for oatmeal, peanut and jelly sandwiches or granola and canned fruit for breakfast since it only took me an hour and a half to make the eggs, bacon and potatoes.
Note to self: Bring grater for potatoes