Are We Having Fun Yet?

Yes and no. the schedule we’ve set for ourselves is way too aggressive. The first day we tear down camp, pack up and drive a minimum of 5 hours, more like 6 or 7 hours … don’t believe Google when it says 4 hours add at least 25% to any time it tells you. Then we arrive, unpack and set up. It’s a long stressful day because, while we have maps and directions, we still don’t know exactly where we’re going. 10 miles back from the main drag on a dirt road while the sun starts to set can be nerve racking. Sleeping in the SUV is not an option.
Our schedule is first day – break camp, pack, drive, set up camp. Second day – recover from first day. Third day – relax have fun. Rinse and repeat.
We’ve decided to rethink this trip. We’ll go to Idaho, Yellowstone Park and Bryce Canyon another time. That’s an additional 1,000 miles. In our heart of hearts we admitted what we really wanted to do was spend time at the beach.
Tillicum Beach Oregon is our spot for the next week. We’ll explore the beach. It literally goes on for miles, eat great food, relax and have a warm fire every night.
Oh, and visit with the goats on the beach. Yes, I’m serious goats, billy goats. Their owners said the goats love to go to the beach and roll in the sand. Go figure.
So far the weather has been bright and sunny but cool, highs during the day are in the low 60s and at night in the 50s.
Note to Self: Breathe deeply of the fresh ocean air.