Adventures of Brian and Dee

brian hill and dee power camping and travel adventures

Home » Mist in the Morning, Warm Breezes During the Day

Mist in the Morning, Warm Breezes During the Day

So we drove and drove and drove from Burnt Rancheria 50 miles east of San Diego to Santa Barbara. Survey says, otherwise known as Google maps, that it should have taken 5 hours. No way. We left at 10:30 AM and got to the campsite at 6:30 PM. Stop and go traffic from 50 miles south of LA to past Ventura north of LA. Did we get to set up before sunset?

Yes we did. Luckily CA is on daylight savings time!

Upper Oso is an equestrian campground tucked way back … and I do mean way back… in the Los Padres National Forest about 20 miles north east of Santa Barbara.

The road is one of those up-the-mountain-switch-backs-with-the-locals-going 55 miles-an-hour-while the road is posted at 35 mph.

Once we arrived after being sure that we must have missed our turn, it was that far back, the grounds were lovely.

Each equestrian site had a corral, water pump and lots of shade. If you’re wondering why we chose an equestrian site, it’s because they were the only ones left to reserve. So we tethered Rose, our Irish setter, in the corral and pretended she was a red pony.
While the weather was forecast to be 120 degrees on Sunday, Father’s Day, in Phoenix, it was a cool and refreshing 95 degrees, but and it’s a big BUT, the nights were cool.


Note to Self: Bracing one’s arms against the dashboard doesn’t do much for Brian’s Self confidence while he’s driving.

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Name: bhanddp