Saying Goodbye to Rose and Kate

Rose, our Irish setter went to heaven May 9, 2018. Kate, our English springer spaniel joined her April 27, 2021, just two weeks ago.
It’s rough losing a family member. They say “well, it’s just a dog.” No. And wrong. Rose was with us 15 1/2 years. Kate made it to 16 years and 9 months.
Their life was long and healthy and full of adventures – chasing birds and squirrels and fish. Yes fish. Kate would dunk her head under water and chase fish in shallow water along the shore line.
Rose was called sociable Rose for a reason. She made friends with everybody. She would get this puzzled look on her face when someone would shy away from her. How could anyone not love a big, red, rambunctious dog? She just didn’t understand.
Now, I’m sure Kate is chasing the angels’ wings while Rose is making friend with cherubs and stealing their treats.
We love you both and we miss you both. We’re looking forward to seeing you in heaven (just not too soon.)
Your four-legged companions,
Brian and Dee